Monday, 17 June 2013

Summer Santa Claus at The Leamington Fair

Congrats to all the kids that walked away with a free bike at the Leamington Fair on Saturday June 15th. I had the pleasure of hosting the first giveaway on Saturday. I guess this contest has been going on for years, the way it works is kids get a free ballot into the contest, then I drew 10 girls and 10 boys names and they won a free bike! I felt like I was the Oprah of Leamington but instead of giving away cars I got to give away bikes. It was a lot of fun!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Unwanted Baby Junk

What is something you wish someomone would have told you NOT to buy/ask for before you had a baby? Diaper Genie, Breast Pump, Baby Einstein?

Sister Act

My twin sister Kendal was on the show today. We've been giving away Tegan and Sarah passes, they're twins as well, so it was only fitting to have her on the show!